stress on neuroscience perspective

How can stress be managed with neuroscience hacks in order to live your best life?

Wife: Can you tell me where you’ve been?

Husband: I was in a meeting at the office.

Wife: No, you weren’t in the workplace; I’m sure you went somewhere else.

Husband: Where did I go?

Wife: I’m not sure, but I was under the impression that you weren’t in the workplace in the evening and that you went out to see someone.

Husband: Whom? What exactly did you mean? Why did I feel compelled to leave the office in working hour?

Wife: You’re aware of that. Now, tell me where you went and who you were with. I was completely aware of that.

Husband: If you knew what you were talking about, you’d tell me. Is it possible that you’ve lost your mind?

Have you ever had a problem like this as a married man?

What will happen to that Husband after a while, when the  conversation has become heated and boiling?

Can you picture the scene in your mind?

Is it solely for the husband?

So, how about the lady?

She’d be boiling as well.

That’s what it means when they’re at their most stressed out.

That is a sign of stress!!

Anyone who has ever been in a heated argument, worried about a  test, or faced a looming deadline at work understands how stressful it can be.

Good news is, stress, it turns out, can be beneficial, allowing our bodies and minds to remain sharp and attentive, ready to respond to whatever life  throws at us.

Chronic stress, on the other hand, can cause a slew of health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, and  anxiety.

Stress appears to be an unavoidable element of modern life.

In reality, it appears that the level of stress we face on a daily  basis is consistently increasing—without fail.

What are your coping mechanisms for dealing with stress?

Do you know how to deal with stress?

Or does stress make you feel like you’ve been driven over by a truck?

Do you realize that stress starts in the brain?

As a result, before we can even begin to solve the colossal problem ofstress management, we must first treat stress at its source—the brain.

Our brains are built to tolerate short bursts of stress, which can help us learn more effectively.

We all have different ways of recuperating from short bouts of stress,but what happens to our brains when we are constantly threatened, uncertain, and worried?

The brain is very good at detecting hazards in our environment.

The amygdala, a small yet powerful brain area, is our ‘danger expert.’

When it detects a threat, it quickly prepares us to fight it or flee from it in order to ensure our life.

The brain turns down all ‘unnecessary’ complicated thinking in our  prefrontal cortex to enable a fight or flight reaction.

Unfortunately, this is our ‘smart guide,’ which we use to strategize,  innovate, and combine our ideas into well-informed conclusions.

In other words, when we are stressed, we become more reactive,  impulsive, and worried, as well as less creative, resourceful, and flexible.

Chronic stress takes a heavy toll on the brain, according to  neuroscientists.

They’re piecing together how parental stress impacts offspring, the physiological markers of stress in children, and the role of specialized brain cells in fear and anxiety reactions.

stress loop from brain

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenalcortical (HPA) axis regulates hormones, particularly the stress hormone cortisol, and is known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenalcortical (HPA) axis because it is made up of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal cortex. This stress reaction allows us to respond to a threat by rapidly boosting glucose levels, speeding up the heart rate, and increasing blood supply to the muscles in our arms and legs. After the threat has passed, the system strives to restore normal hormone levels.

When stress is persistent, this mechanism is constantly activated.

The same hormones that are necessary for the fight-or-flight reaction can also cause stomach problems, insomnia, and a weaker immune system, making a person more vulnerable to viruses  such as the flu, chronic health problems, and the now-famous world-wide pandemic corona virus.

“Because stress affects the way the brain’s neurons communicate  with one other, prolonged stress can force our brains, neurological systems, and behavior to adjust to a watchful and reactive state,” according to multiple studies on stress by neuroscientists.

Because stress appears to be unavoidable, we must learn to deal with it properly, or it will easily overwhelm even the most resilient of us.

Neuroscience, often known as Neural Science, is the study of how the nervous system develops, its structure, and the functions it  performs.

Neuroscientists study the brain and how it affects behavior and  cognition.

Neuroscience is concerned not only with how the nervous system  normally functions, but also with what occurs to the nervous system when people suffer from neurological, psychiatric, or neurodevelopmental diseases.

We humans have a major scarcity of one item in today’s fast-paced everyday lives.

It’s now or never.

We want everything to be quick and painless.

According to this viewpoint, neuroscientists have devised stress-relieving methods that “fool” the brain into reducing stress.

They do, however, necessitate some ‘work’ – primarily practice.

to master and maximize their utility However, the payoff – being able to genuinely control stress – is well worth the effort!

Why not try these three neuroscience techniques for lowering stress quickly in today’s fast-paced world:

I) Tighten and then release your facial and body muscles.

Your brain functions similarly to a computer. It accepts input and produces output. When you’re “stressed,” your brain delivers these impulses to your body, causing it to tense up and tighten. Your brain interprets these impulses and remains in a state of tension. It’s a vicious cycle that needs to be broken.

facial muscle exercise

This loop is broken by actively clenching and then relaxing face muscles. The “relaxing” aspect of this process deceives the brain into believing that the stress – or stressors – have passed.

Then you repeat with your major body muscles, such as your should ears, arms, and legs.

You can even make hands and individual fingers and toes if you’re  feeling very anxious (or ambitious).

You’ll soon notice that you’ve disrupted the body’s natural stress  feedback loop and are feeling more relaxed as a result.

II) Take a few deep, long breaths.

deep breathing

Your vagus nerve functions as an emotional circuit for your body.

It originates in your neck and proceeds to your heart and stomach.

It, too, has a feedback loop that runs from the brain to the heart and back.

As a result, it plays a key part in the flight or fight response, which  can be triggered by – and exacerbated by – stress.

Long, deep breaths can almost literally clear your vagus nerve,  resetting it to a stress-free (or at least less-stressed) condition.

Inhale deeply through your nose for 4-seconds, Hold for a count of 7 seconds and exhale deeply through your mouse for a countf of 8-seconds.

(Intriguingly, the contrary is also true!)

Breathe swiftly in and out through your nostrils if you need more  energy.)

III) Wash your face with cool water.

splash with cold water

This will almost immediately’reboot’ your vagus nerve, decreasing  your heart rate at the same time.

When your heart rate drops, your brain receives a message that says, “Hey!

We haven’t been stressed in a long time!”

Bottom Line:

Highly successful people understand how to take  proactive steps to re-engage their ‘wise guide’ in order to facilitate their answers.

As a result, they encourage others to do the same.

This is not an easy task because our brains are designed to focus on  fear and negativity.

However, because these hacks are so simple and quick to use, it is  doable with a proactive and practical approach.

The brain adapts and changes in reaction to the choices we make, as Neoroscience’s most popular finding is neuroplasticity, which is  basic terminology for the brain’s ability to modify response to repeated stimuli. The more we do it, the easier it gets.

It becomes simpler to deal with stress over time in order to achieve  the best life you desire.


About admin

Despite successful career and upward trajectory, I found myself unfulfilled. My true passion lies in uplifting others that everyone deserves a joyful existence. Consequently, I've immersed myself in the captivating world of harnessing human psychology and the power of the mind to catalyze rapid personal growth and a more rewarding life. My life's mission encompasses a diverse spectrum of endeavors, including personal transformation, psychological counseling, NLP guidance, public speaking, storytelling expertise, mastering the Law of Attraction, one-on-one sessions, life coaching, and career counseling. My ultimate goal is to positively impact one million lives. With a robust background spanning three decades in civil engineering with MBA in personnel management, I'm transitioning my focus toward understanding human behavior.


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